Inner Art of Airmanship


Dave English's collection of thoughts about imperfection and mind and poetry and life is called "The Inner Art of Airmanship". It's a labor of love, a curated set of quotes in memory of a friend named Sam Hamilton. As English introduces the enterprise:

We learn from every pilot we fly with, every pilot we talk to. Sometimes we learn a lot. My life changed thanks to a quiet little flyer, an instructor who danced with clouds in the perpetual pursuit of piloting perfection. I'm Dave English; 17,000 hour airline pilot, writer and sometime aviation psychology researcher. The instructor was Sam Hamilton. He seems to have disappeared, but I'm compiling an exploration of two summers with the safety warrior who blended leading-edge neuropsychology with ancient wisdoms—to become one with the wing.

The quotes include Zen-like musings such as:

... "Remember the inner world is vast and filled with many games. We have one head, only six inches between the ears, but there is room for many processes. We must learn to still the monkey mind, let the conscious step aside so our hands and eyes and ears and hearts can fly. Build strong habit patterns, accept whatever may happen and take the right action. By standing aside, the conscious mind is now free to review the big picture, free to build situational awareness. Here too, for us to see things as they are, we must take off our judgmental glasses. Look with the eyes of a child, for pure awareness allows us to just observe and just report and just act. Mushin no-mind is remaining calm and at ease in any situation, while Zanzshin situational awareness is knowing your environment and what actions are possible."

And there's English's description of how his anthology of Sam's suggestions came to be:

He forced onto me his collection of quote cards. It was a huge cardboard box held together with safety wire and aluminum tape. Inside on 3 by 5 inch cards were hundreds of quotations, each with several little holes near the top where he would pin them onto the bulletin board over the sectional chart. Sam changed the worn cards on a seemingly random basis. On some of the backs were notes, references or lists of things to research. He said he had boxes of hand-written flash cards with limitations and memory items for all the airplanes he had ever flown, but the quotes and the Cessna 150 box were the only ones he kept at the airport. Sam knew I'd been copying the ones he pinned up onto my laptop computer, and now wanted me to have them all. I said I could not take these, he said had many more at home. Henry David Thoreau copied quotations by hand, ending up with five or six thousand pages of notes, so Sam said the box was of no great import, just a small peek into living a higher life.

... which is, perhaps, a description of what this ZhurnalyWiki attempts as well.

(cf. Great Peace of Mind (2011-02-20), ...) - ^z - 2016-05-16